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Senses Phuket Detox & Wellness - -  Map
 You may also like: Health - Samkong - Health in Samkong
Senses Phuket Detox & Wellness Homestay Retreats Cleanse Yoga Detoxing SENSES wellness retreat only include evidence-based services and products. We take the best of western medicine, couple that with the wisdom of the East developed over 5,000 years, and provide you with the safest, easiest, and most effective body cleansing programs. By convening a panel of medical doctors and highly experienced fasting and Detoxing consultants, Dr. Wiwat gathered information which he then considered for efficiency and proven outcomes. After establishing that base he utilized his deep knowledge of local Thai medicinal herbs to offer programs that are assured of delivering you an excellent outcome. All programs are accompanied by Dr. Wiwats’ promise; "A better body in 7 days - or your money back." We invite you to take up his challenge. Cleanse, restore, rejuvenate and strengthen your body, while overcoming pain and disease through proven natural methodology at Senses Phuket Retreat, the only Wellness Homestay in Thailand.
Senses Phuket Detox & Wellness
Address: 65/74 Sapam Village, Moo 1
Koh Kaew, Muang
Phuket 83120 Thailand
Cell: (66) 080.439.9949
Contact: Sake Seetamanotch