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Food Hygiene Asia - -  Map
 You may also like: Health - Surin Beach - Health in Surin Beach
Food Hygiene Asia Workplace Food Handler Training Control Practices Phuket We work with resorts, restaurants and businesses to deliver training, support to improve food handlers safety awareness, reducing guest complaints and staff sick leave associated with foodborne illness. Our training focuses on heightening staff awareness and understanding of a hygienic workplace and work practices. We will assist setting up measures, controls, reminders and assistance in establishing food hygiene practices. Our training is highly interactive using visual, oral, audio, role play and games to keep all participants interested, motivated and focused for increased understanding.
Food Hygiene Asia
Address: 225/69
Plaklok, Thalang
Phuket 83110 Thailand
Tel: (66) 076.331.126
Cell: (66) 081.862.4439
Contact: Stuart Baker

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