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There is probably no activity more fun everywhere in Thailand than shopping. No matter where you are you will always find lots of interesting small alleys filled with stalls, or clusters of street venders offering great deals on handicrafts, clothes, cosmetics, shoes, jewelry, CDs, watches, beachwear, sunglasses, t-shirts and souvenirs. Many communities are known for having locally produced OTOP products that aren't easily found in other locations, and often there are night markets, flea markets, weekend markets or large department stores carrying international brands.

Very often you'll find that prices are not clearly marked. so part of the fun agreeing on the price to be paid. Don't be shy as you have fun bargaining for the best deal, always keeping a smile and friendly attitude, and don't be afraid to just walk away. Many Tailors are ready to have a suit ready for you in 24 hours. Art Gallery shops have every style of painting on display for sale or will make to order. Don't miss out on the Local Food, Souveniers and Antiques. Shipping Companies are available to help you when your purchases are too large to include with your travel baggage.

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Karon Beach

View FREE AD page New Star Fashion
We'd like to welcome you to New Star Fashion where we have been a leading custom tailor since 1994. We have a very large collection of quality fabrics to fit your exact desires...