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TEFL-Language School Phuket - -  Map
 You may also like: Schools - Rawai - Schools in Rawai
TEFL-Language School Phuket Island Thailand Education (ED) Immigration Visa TEFL/ TESOL TEACHER TRAINING is the leading TEFL teacher training institute in Phuket, Thailand. Our experienced instructors have been training native and non-native English speakers to become more confident and successful at teaching English as a foreign language in Thailand and worldwide for over 20 years. Do you love the idea of staying in Thailand? If so, why don't you stay? Become a professional English teacher at our Teacher Training & Language School. There is an immense and increasing demand for qualified teachers! Government Certified. Have the option to work, and have the option to work worldwide.
TEFL-Language School Phuket
Address: 13/36 Moo 1 Soi Saiyuan Wiset Road
Rawai, Muang
Phuket 83130 Thailand
Tel: (66) 076.388.124
Fax: (66) 076.388.124
Cell: (66) 089.874.5544
096.216.9154, 081.539.1487
Contact: Mr. May, Mr. Dhanu, Ms. Nok
